

DIY: Mini De-stress Glitter Jar

In a beautiful moment of boringness, Acid dreams and sugar highs inspired me to re-use some cologne mini jars that i've had during lots and lots of years with my necklaces, rings and those things, so, the post which inspired me is this:
And now, we'll see how to make it:

What you will need:
  • Glitter (choose the colour that you want)
  • A mini cologne jar
  • anything else i can think of. If you want to add something...
So, you have this little jar, not full filled with cologne. Now, just half filled, then we will add more.
Add glitter, as much as you want. Well, I have seen that red glitter makes the cologne red and gold glitter turns it yellow, I think that silver and blue does not do anything.
Then, fill the jar with cologne, and do not leave air into it, AD+SH have ruined one jar, and i have ruined two.

But I will make another DIY with those jars, don't worry! :)

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